Our Subscription Plans help you budget your legal spend.
With our innovative subscription plans, you pay one monthly fee and have immediate access to your attorney anytime you need. Each subscriber receives an initial needs assessment, where we examine your business in-depth, prioritize your legal needs, then dedicate your monthly allotment of hours to an action plan. We personalize the plan to fit your needs, your resources, and your business goals.
Subscription gives you the opportunity to integrate the array of interrelated services we provide. You have the comfort of knowing that your business runs in partnership with a team of experts. We cover all the angles on a fixed budget – it is the General Counsel relationship your business deserves.
What are the Benefits of a
Saiki Law Group
Subscription Plan?
Subscribers do not get charged for phone calls or emails that take less than 15 minutes of attorney time.
We give you direct access to trained attorneys and experts at any time you need them.
Our progressive software, network security features, and streamlined administration make it easy to do business with us, at the touch of a finger.
We set a realistic expectation tailored to your budget and needs, and then we deliver.
Our firm is built to respond to the comprehensive needs of businesses. We help you make a wide range of decisions across many different legal disciplines.